Sunday 10 July 2016

Septic Tank

Septic Tanks are design with two chambers giving primary settlement of sewage and allowing secondary settlement before discharge of the effluent. They can also be fitted with a filter to prevent small solids from blocking the soakaway .

Septic Tank Soakaway Systems, Problems and Drainage Fields - How they work

A septic tank soakaway system performs two functions:-
1/It uses naturally occurring aerobic soil bacteria to further clean the pollutants in the effluent
2/It disperses septic effluent into the soil,

Three mandatory tests required to install a septic tank soakaway. If you can't have a soakaway, you can't have a septic tank and must consider using a sewage treatment plant instead.

The 3 tests are:
The site must not be in an Environment Agency Groundwater Source Protection Zone. This is to protect abstracted drinking water
The site must pass the deep Trial Site Assessment Hole Test and never have either groundwater (the water table) or rock within 1 metre of the soakaway drain pipe
The site must consist of soil that passes the Percolation Tests - not too sandy or heavy.

For more Photos of construction :


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